Video Introduction:
FOXSEW Single Head Computerized Quilting Machine
Uses: Quilt, coverlet, bedcover, mattress, sponge, leather and so on.
The head moves along X axis, and the frame moves along Y axis.
Work efficiency is double the single head quilting machine.
Each head can work independently.
Using special technology, the quilt can't be broken.
Using four servo motors.
Using good quality hardware and software, the right-angle, sharp-angle and circle can be well quilted.
15" color monitor, Chinese or English character, on which pattern, stitch distance, current stitch, rotation speed can be displayed.
Using industrial mainboard, Floppy disk and USB disk can be employed to input patterns.
Use the world’s most popular Tajima(dst) format pattern design files.
Upper thread breakage detection system: when the thread breaks, machine would stop.
Quilting pattern storage: about 200 patterns kept in the computer, also can be read from floppy.
Zoom the pattern by 1 cm step.
Retreat requiting.
Automotive backtack at every start and stop during the pattern cycle.
If shut off electricity, program would be kept in the computer.
Safety device: when an exception occurs, machine will stop automatically and the reason will be displayed on the screen.